Trivia Quiz

Q1:   17% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 17 points
The Republican Party is also known as the "G.O.P." What does it stand for?
Gentlemen's Organization of Patriots
Grand Old Party
Great Orthodoxy of Plebeians
Great Opposition Party

Q2:   35% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 35 points
Who created the Republican Party elephant?
President Abraham Lincoln
Cartoonist Thomas Nast
Journalist Horace Greeley
Novelist Ned Buntline

Q3:   72% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 72 points
Who was the first Republican presidential candidate?
Henry Clay
Alexander Hamilton
Abraham Lincoln
John C. Fremont

Q4:   35% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 35 points
Who was the first elected Republican president?
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
Ulysses S. Grant

Q5:   37% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 37 points
Theodore Roosevelt served two terms; then left the Republican Party and made an ill-fated run for a third term as a member of what political party?
Socialist Party
Progressive Party
Democratic Party
Republican-Democratic Party

Q6:   71% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 71 points
Which one of these Republicans didn't run against FDR?
Thomas Dewey
Alben Barkley
Wendell Wilkie
Alf Landon

Q7:   32% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 32 points
In the 1948 election, the Chicago Daily Tribune erroneously ran headlines claiming that Republican candidate Thomas Dewey had defeated what Democratic opponent?
Franklin D Roosevelt
Harry S Truman
Woodrow Wilson
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Q8:   79% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 79 points
Who was the 18th Republican President of the United States?
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford
George HW Bush
George W Bush

Q9:   30% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 30 points
What Republican president was often called "the Great Communicator"?
Teddy Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Ronald Reagan
Grover Cleveland

Q10:   63% of 2251 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 63 points
Which Republican President was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr.?
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
Warren G. Harding

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