Trivia Quiz

Q1:   63% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 63 points
When Hillary Clinton was 12 years old, she wrote to NASA asking how she could become an astronaut. NASA replied...
she was too young
they didn't accept women
she needed to be a pilot to apply
NASA never replied to her

Q2:   79% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 79 points
Hillary Clinton was president of a fan club at her high school in Illinois, because she was such a big fan of...
Chuck Berry

Q3:   49% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 49 points
Hillary Clinton would sometimes come to class in the ninth grade wearing...
an embroidered, bright-orange pants-suit
a man's tuxedo
her Girl Scout uniform
ballet shoes, leotard and tights, and a tutu

Q4:   58% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 58 points
Hillary Clinton was once a Republican, and even campaigned for...
Richard Nixon
Barry Goldwater
Nelson Rockefeller
Ronald Reagan

Q5:   59% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 59 points
Hillary Clinton tried to become a U.S. Marine at age 27. She says they rejected her saying...
"You got to be kidding"
"Come back when you're a man"
"You'll never pass the physical"
"You're too old, you can't see very well, and you're a woman"

Q6:   86% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 86 points
Hillary Clinton, a Methodist, and Bill, a Southern Baptist, were married in their living room in a...
Methodist ceremony
Southern Baptist ceremony
Two preacher, mixed Methodist/Southern Baptist ceremony
civil ceremony

Q7:   70% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 70 points
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton named their daughter "Chelsea Victoria Clinton" after...
Bill's great-grandmother
Hillary's favorite aunt
the Chelsea district of Manhattan where they had their first dat
the Joni Mitchell's song "Chelsea Morning"

Q8:   59% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 59 points
When Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis sent a check to Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992, he immediately said, "We can’t cash this." Hillary Clinton replied...
"You're right. Send it back with a nice note"
"You need it more than she does"
"Kennedy, shmennedy -- who cares?"
"Make a copy, and then cash it"

Q9:   53% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 53 points
Hillary Clinton was the only First Lady ever to be subpoenaed. It was for her involvement with the...
death of Vince Foster
Monica Lewinsky affair
Whitewater controversy
Travelgate and Filegate scandals

Q10:   80% of 942 players got this question wrong, so it's worth 80 points
Though Hillary Clinton had appeared on Vogue in 1998, she backed out at the last minute for a 2007 shoot, saying she didn’t want to look too...
"out of touch"

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